Top 13 reasons for building a remote team

Even though studies say that only 16% of the companies work fully remote and there are still companies that don’t allow any remote work, it is clear for most leaders that this way of working will soon become the new norm.

As the world gets more and more connected, businesses are starting to see the benefits of having a remote team, and I can say that I’m really happy to see this trend and to support it with my experience.

There are many reasons to build a remote team, but I’ll name just a few to begin with, in case you’re not truly convinced having a remote team is the best option for your company.

1. Scale your business without the extra overhead

I started working with remote teams in 2009 and ever since, remote work has increased 159%. If it was difficult to understand then what remote work actually meant, now this concept is well known all across the globe.

While I have experienced working with multiple companies and teams, I can say for sure that a good collaboration happens when both parties’ goals are aligned and centered around flexibility.

What do I mean by this? Companies often have time bound projects and are looking for talent for a limited period of time. These are mostly highly specialized roles where the level of skill and experience required is very high and which are also compensated accordingly.

Remote talent who are qualified and interested to take on such projects appreciate the flexibility offered by these opportunities, in the sense that they can schedule a few weeks / months of intense project work followed by a longer vacation or even time dedicated to study or other personal projects.

This flexible lifestyle is difficult to achieve in a traditional company where vacation days are dictated by the internal company policies and are more often than not very limited.

Most successful collaborations between remote companies and talent I have seen happen when both parties understood the limitations, flexibility and lifestyle goals of the other party and actively tried to meet them.

2. You can find the best talent no matter where they are in the world

It’s no news that today’s business landscape is more globalized than ever before. What’s the result? Companies are increasingly looking to source talent from all around the world.

This is especially true for remote teams, which often have members located in different time zones and countries.

There are several benefits to sourcing talent globally for remote teams:

  • First, it allows companies to tap into a larger pool of potential candidates.
  • Second, it gives companies the ability to find employees with the specific skills and experience they need.
  • And third, it allows companies to build teams with diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Ultimately, sourcing talent globally for remote teams can be a great way to build a strong and successful team.

3. Cultural diversity is good for business

A remote team that is culturally diverse has a great number of advantages.

For one, it brings together people with different perspectives and experiences. This can lead to new insights and creative solutions to problems.

Also, a culturally diverse team can better understand and serve a global customer base. With people from different cultures on the team, there is a greater chance of having someone who can effectively communicate with customers in their own language.

Finally, a culturally diverse remote team can help create a more inclusive culture within the company. By valuing and celebrating differences, such a team can help break down barriers and build a better understanding between employees.

As businesses become increasingly globalized, the clearer the benefits of having a culturally diverse remote team are, right?

4. Focus on skills and culture fit vs. location

Many businesses are now moving to a remote model in order to cut costs and attract top talent from around the world.

However, there is still some debate about the best way to build a successful remote team. Here are what some of the sides have to say.

There are experts who argue that it is more important to focus on getting the right skills and culture fit, regardless of location.

Others believe that it is essential to have team members in the same time zone in order to facilitate communication and collaboration.

While both approaches have merit, I believe that the former is more likely to lead to success in the long-term.

You’re wondering why? It’s because when team members are selected based solely on their skills and ability to fit into the company culture, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Furthermore, they will be better able to adapt to changes in the company’s needs and demands.

On the other hand, team members who are chosen primarily for their geographical location may be less committed and less flexible.

In today’s business environment, it is essential to have a team that can think on its feet and quickly adapt to change. For this reason, I strongly believe that focusing on skills and culture fit is the best way to build a successful remote team.

5. Remote teams are more productive

I’ve said this before, and I will say it again: when it comes to remote work, there are a lot of advantages that come with it.

One of the biggest advantages is that teams have a lot more autonomy when it comes to designing their schedules.

How is this an advantage? People are different, which means that each team member might have a specific productivity peak that doesn’t match with the one of his/her colleagues.

This means that each of your remote team members can work when they are the most productive, and they don’t have to waste time commuting or dealing with other distractions.

What’s the result? Remote teams are typically a lot more productive than traditional teams.

6. You can save money on office space and equipment

A remote team can be a great way to save money on office space and equipment.

By working from home, you can eliminate the need for a physical office entirely which can become a way to reduce your overhead costs, as you won’t need to pay rent or utilities for an office space.

Additionally, you can save on equipment costs by using your own computer and internet connection.

If everyone on your team is working remotely, you won’t need to purchase printers, fax machines, or other office equipment either.

And an extra tip: you may also find that you can negotiate lower rates with vendors when you don’t have a physical office space.

All of these factors can lead to significant savings for your business.

7. Design your life focused around freedom

The barriers to entry for remote work are low and the benefits are high.

If you have a laptop and an internet connection, you can apply for jobs that allow you to work from anywhere in the world. This gives you the freedom to design a life that is focused on the things that matter to you, without being limited by your location.

You can live in a city with a lower cost of living, or move to a rural area where you can enjoy more peace and quiet. You can even travel while you work, provided you have a good internet connection.

And if you want to start your own business, working remotely gives you the flexibility to do so without giving up your daily job.

In short, remote work gives you the freedom to design a life that is tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

8. Remote teams are more engaged and committed to their work

There’s no question that working remotely can also have its challenges.

But when done right, it can also lead to a more engaged and committed workforce.

How come? Believe it or not, remote teams are often more focused and efficient, and they have greater flexibility and control over their workdays.

They’re also more likely to have a better work/life balance, which leads to happier and healthier employees.

All of these factors add up to a workforce that is more productive, creative, and engaged.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost employee engagement, consider making the switch to a remote team. You might be surprised at the results.

9. Communication is easier with a remote team

Working with a remote team can also be very rewarding and one of the biggest benefits of working remotely is that it can improve communication.

With everyone in the same location, it can be easy for people to get caught up in their own work and not communicate as effectively as they should.

When people are working remotely, they are more likely to use communication tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging. This allows for a more efficient exchange of information and makes it easier to keep everyone on the same page.

Plus, working remotely can help reduce distractions and allow people to focus more on their work. This can lead to better communication and a more efficient workplace overall.

10. There is less bureaucracy and politics in a remote team

One of the maybe overlooked benefits of working with a remote team is the lack of bureaucracy and politics that can often bog down an in-person team.

In a remote team, there are fewer opportunities for office politics because team members are not in close proximity to each other.

What’s interesting to know is that remote teams are often less hierarchical than in-person teams, which can lead to more open communication and collaboration.

As a result, remote teams can be more efficient and productive than their in-person counterparts.

11.Remote teams are more creative and innovative

There are a number of reasons why remote teams are more creative and innovative.

For one thing, they have a wider range of perspectives to draw from.

Because team members are not physically present in the same location, they are more likely to come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. This can lead to a greater variety of ideas and perspectives being shared, which can spark creativity and innovation.

Also, remote teams are often more flexible and agile than traditional teams. They can more easily adapt to change and pivot when necessary.

This flexibility allows them to be more creative in their approach to problem-solving, leading to more innovative solutions.

Finally, remote teams often benefit from increased communication and collaboration. Because team members are not tightly coupled, they are forced to communicate more frequently and openly in order to coordinate their work.

This increased communication can lead to greater trust and cooperation among team members, which fosters an environment that is conducive to creativity and innovation.

12. There is less stress and pressure in a remote team

Although it may seem counterintuitive, working in a remote team can actually be less stressful than working in a traditional office setting.

One of the main reasons for this is that there is less pressure to conform to societal norms.

In a remote team, employees can dress more casually, take breaks when they need to, and create their own schedule and this can help reduce stress levels, but also increase productivity.

Next to this, remote teams often have a more relaxed atmosphere, which can lead to better communication and collaboration.

And because employees are not tied to a specific location, they can choose to work from wherever they feel most comfortable, whether that’s a coffee shop, their home, or a co-working space.

As a result, working in a remote team offers a number of benefits that can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

13. The work-life balance is better for remote employees

Working remotely has become increasingly popular in recent years, and one of the most significant benefits is that it can help improve work-life balance.

When employees are not tied to a physical office, they have more flexibility in terms of when and where they work, which leads to better managing their schedule so that they can make time for family, friends, and other important obligations outside of work.

This is the future of work – embrace it!

Advances in technology have made it possible for more and more people to work remotely, and this trend is only going to continue.

There are a number of advantages to working remotely, including greater flexibility and freedom, as well as the ability to design your own workplace, which we’ve already discussed.

Not only that, but remote work is often more efficient, as there are no distractions from colleagues or meetings to interrupt your workflow.

And with the rise of the gig economy, there are more opportunities than ever before to find freelance work that can be done remotely.

It’s clear that remote work is here to stay, and it’s time to embark on this new way of working.

So, there’s no question that the way we work is changing. The only question is whether or not you are ready to embrace this change.

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